Eternal Ink

Marshall Bennett Signature Gray Wash Set 2 oz.


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After Marshall Bennett experimented with our Motor City Blackbird ink, he suggested adopting the Blackbird pigment for his gray wash set. Together, Eternal Ink and Bennett reworked his set. “We are taking this set back to the essentials and simplifying the values,” he said. The new gray wash set uses the Blackbird ink pigment and is divided into 4 stepped values of black: a 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% value. With just 4 value steps and very distinct 20% value breaks, this is a highly efficient gray wash set.

Colors included:

  • 20% Gray Wash
  • 40% Gray Wash
  • 60% Gray Wash
  • 80% Gray Wash

WARNING: We will not be responsible for FROZEN liquids. If you are ordering liquids such as inks, make sure to be at your address when the delivery driver arrives. You can do this by keeping close track of tracking numbers. Prolonged storage of liquids in cold (below freezing) areas will result in damaged product.

Marshall Bennett Signature Gray Wash Set 2 oz. has a rating of 5.0 stars based on 1 reviews.
