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Intenze Ink

Intenze Ink - Mike Demasi Color Portrait Set


$118.00 Regular price $235.99
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When doing a color portrait, people often ask "what color tattoo inks do you use?" Not knowing that there is no such thing as a flesh tone tattoo ink color. Flesh tones are made up of many colors and everyones hues can be a little different. When studying the face you will notice a variety of colors; reds, greens, and even blues. So when developing this portrait set i wanted to incorporate these colors, some are bright and some are muted down. Adding this set to your existing Intenze Tattoo Inks allows you for a perfect tattoo ink color pallet.

This tattoo ink color set includes nineteen colors formulated to fit your needs, which includes:

Black Cherry, Chestnut, Clay, Coral, Dijon, Dirty Beige, Ginger, Midnight, Mocha, Moss, Olive, Raw Umber, Raw Umber Light, Salmon, Sand, Steel, Sunset, Swamp, Yellow Orchid

WARNING: We will not be responsible for FROZEN liquids. If you are ordering liquids such as inks, make sure to be at your address when the delivery driver arrives. You can do this by keeping close track of tracking numbers. Prolonged storage of liquids in cold (below freezing) areas will result in damaged product.
