Fact: In 1620, a group of people, now known as Pilgrims, left their mother country in search of a new land where they could practice their religion more freely. Their first year in America was extremely tough, but due to the help of the Native Americans they were able to become self-sufficient and survive. To show their appreciation, the Pilgrims orchestrated a celebration of thanks for the Native Americans.
As young kids, we’ve all heard this story and we were all taught to give our thanks every year on Thanksgiving. And this year,TATSoul would like to reflect a little bit on what Thanksgiving means to us.
The beginning of the history of tattooing was not too different from what the Pilgrims experienced. In the beginning, our form of artistic expression was not initially well respected and was viewed quite negatively. As many of you might agree, tattoos are merely a way to appreciate the arts and express ourselves through the art. Through the hard work and skills of many great artists and many advocates of the art, tattoos are now seen in a significantly better light. And TATSoul is definitely proud and thankful to be a part of such a unique industry. We stuck together, we worked hard, and we earned the right to express ourselves and be accepted for it. Although the views may not be completely perfect, we have gone a long ways since the inception of tattooing.
So, with that thought, we would like to give a HUGE, TREMENDOUS, GIGANTIC THANK YOU to all of you in the tattoo industry, all of our supporters, and all of you lovers of this great art. We will continue to show our thanks by always producing only the best and most innovated tools for this industry. Again, we are beyond thankful for all of you and we wish everyone an amazing Thanksgiving!
We appreciate every one of our loyal customers and supporters. So if you ever need us to assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to be able to help you in any way. Phone:(888)828-7685. Email:sales@tatsoul.com…you can even FACEBOOK us! :TATSoul Facebook .
Thank You,